St. Michael's Catholic Church
"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations" - Matthew 28:19 BulletinMinistriesDURING LENT, MORNING PRAYER
Mass Schedule
Daily Mon-Fri 8:30AM
Sunday English 9:30AM
Sunday Spanish 11:30A
Sun 10:30am to 11:20am
Thur 5pm to 6:30pm or at any time, call the office.
Exposistion of the Blessed sacrament
Mon-Fri 30 before mass
Thrusday 9am – 8pm
Office Hours
Mon, Wed, Thurs. Fri 10am–1pm
Faith & Prayer
Community of Communities
Parish Life
Christian Life
Know Our History
Schedules & Activities

Sunday 10:30am-11:20am
Thursday 5:00pm-6:30pm or by
appointment, call the office.
Blessed Sacrament

Mon-Fri 30 mins before Daily Mass
Thursday 9am-8pm
Cleaning of the Church

Every Saturday 9:30am-11:00am
Mission Statement
Saint Michael’s parish has been a fundamental part of Fishtown/Northern Liberties since 1831. We continue creating a Community of Love, Faith and Charity, where the gospel of Christ is proclaimed to everyone following His command: “Go and make disciples of all nations,” relying on his Grace to become one in Him.
Letter from Fr. Freddy
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
I wish you all a happy new year and many blessings from the Lord.
I am very happy and I give thanks to God to be with you and to be able to serve you. We are entering a new time, not so much because it is the beginning of the year, but because the Lord is putting a very great mission before us. Everything the Lord has allowed us to do has been for his glory, and there is still a lot to do. As we see, this neighborhood is changing a lot and new people are moving here. This is very good, however, many of these people do not know God or do not want to know about God, which is even more painful. Therefore, they must know that the Love of God will help them in their sufferings. Everyone passes through struggles and difficulties and in some way, they seek to alleviate them but in temporary things. In the end, the problem is still there. We desire that everyone encounters Jesus Christ or at least sees a Christian who announces Christ to them. Jesus Christ is the only one who can help them in any situation they find themselves in because ultimately the problem is in the soul of people. Today’s society wants to hide this soul by making people think that they do not have it, that they are not eternal, that they are not created for love but to live only on this earth without any hope. Therefore, the participation of everyone in this community is important. God sends you to go and announce the Love of God without fear to those around you.
My hope is that St. Michael’s Parish will be an icon for Fishtown and the surrounding areas of Philadelphia. This website is to gradually reach others who do not know our community and can benefit from it.
Finally, know that God loves you a lot and has chosen you who are reading this message, to announce his love.
In Christ,
Fr. Freddy
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Pastor Fernando Londoño | Christmas Concert
Philadelphia Youth Christmas Concert 2023
1445 N. 2ND STREET PHILADELPHIA, PA 19122 | PHONE: 215.397.2358
Archdiocese of Philadelphia & St. Michael’s Catholic Church