The seven sacraments – Baptism, Confirmation, Holy Communion, Reconciliation, Marriage, Holy Orders, and Anointing of the Sick – are the life of the Catholic Church. Each sacrament is an outward sign of an inward grace. In worship, we give to God that which we owe Him; in the sacraments, He gives us the graces necessary to live a truly human life.
We invite you to learn more about each sacrament and how to participate in them here at St. Michael’s Catholic Parish.

SACRAMENT OF BAPTISM: Those who wish to have their child baptized, call the office at least two months in advance to schedule the preparation class. Classes are schedule every second Monday of the Month and baptism every second Sunday of the Month.

CARE FOR THE SICK: Call for visits at home to the elderly and inform when someone enters the hospital and wishes a visit from the parish priest. In the occasion of an emergency, call the rectory immediately.

SACRAMENT OF MARRIAGE: Arrangements must be made with the pastor eight months in advance in order to fulfill diocesan requirements. Couples rather than parents or wedding coordinators should contact the church to make arrangements.

GODPARENTS: To be a sponsor/godparent for Baptism or Confirmation and receive a letter of eligibility from the Pastor, a person must be a registered member of the parish for a minimum of 6 months, at least 16 years of age, and received all the Sacraments through Confirmation, and attends Mass faithfully, if you have any question, please call the office.