
Stay tuned with our St Michaels community.



  • We are looking for cantors who are willing to sing at the Masses on Sundays, especially 9:30am. Please contact the office if interested.

  • We will be starting Marriage Preparation courses on September the 9th at 8pm. If you are interested, please contact the office or let Fr. Freddy know

  • Registrations for Religious Education are now open! We will begin registrations on September 15th between the Mass and after. Please call the office for more information.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        


    Congrats to all those who did their Confirmation!!!

    From September 25th—November 2nd, local churches and groups will sign up participants for a peaceful prayer vigil, Monday—Friday, 8am-5pm and Saturday, 8am-3pm at Planned Parenthood, 1144 Locust Street in Philadelphia.
    Our day is October 26th from 10am—3pm. To Schedule an hour to pray, please call the parish office.

    Dear brothers and sisters,

    This time I would like to dedicate to the Eucharist. The Sacrament that Christ left us as an eternal union with him. Let us experience the graces he wants to bestow in us in this beautiful sacrament. In many parts of the States the Church wants to revitalized the devotion for the Eucharist through the Eucharistic revival, this approach will help may to have an encounter back again with Christ, however, we need to go deeper into the understanding of this sacrament so that we may participate better, not only with the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament but enter fully in what is to celebrate the Eucharist. Therefore we need to go back to the source, to the beginning to the Eucharist, then travel little by little in time to see what God wanted to do with us. In the following bulletins we will give some small catechesis, I hope you may follow them and enkindle your love for the Eucharist.

    Dear Brothers, since I came to the parish, I have been working closely with La Sale Academy. Together we can improve the benefit of our community in giving Catholic Education to our Children. I encourage the families who have children in Public schools to take advantage of the opportunities La Salle Academy offers.