In the Scriptures we learn that Jesus is the vine and we are the branches. We are nourished by Him in order that we may bear much fruit.  One of the ways in which we show the fruits of our deep and essential connection to the Lord is expressed in our participation in the different parish ministries. There are ministry opportunities for every age, vocation and walk of life. Find the ones in which you will bear much fruit.



6:30pm – CCD

8pm – 10pm – Neocatechumenal Way Communities


8pm – 10pm Neocatechumenal Way Communities


9am – 8pm Adoration


6:30pm – Youth Group


10am – 12pm Cleaning of the Church

1pm – 3pm Mission in the Streets

6pm – 10pm Neocatechumenal Way Communities


Liturgical Ministries

Lectors Ministry: Responsible for proclaiming God’s Word to those gathered at Mass. They prepare so they can proclaim the Word with dignity, clarity, and understanding. God speaks to His people through the words spoken by the proclaimers. For more info, call The Parish Office.

Flower Ministry: The aim is to help each soul encounter the beauty of God’s presence through the medium of flowers. The hope is to curate and arrange flowers in a manner that reflects the glory of God. For more info, call The Parish Office.

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion: Extraordinary Ministers assist with the distribution of the Body and Blood of Christ at Mass. They share in the profound mystery we celebrate in the Eucharist. To be a minister you must be confirmed and be a Catholic in good standing. For more info, call The Parish Office.

Altar Servers Ministry: The server helps the liturgical actions run smoothly and makes the Mass as prayerful as possible. It is a great honor and privilege to be able to come and serve God in this ministry. Call the Parish Office.

CCD Teachers Ministry: It is important that all children participate in this program so that they can obtain a formal education in the Catholic Faith and also be prepared to receive the sacraments of Reconciliation, First Holy Communion, and Confirmation. They meet every Tuesday at 6:30 pm. For more info, call The Parish Office.

Welcoming/Hospitality Ministry: We are creating a ministry that makes people feel welcomed in our community. Our desire is to welcome all visitors, pilgrims, and groups through events, meals, and social gatherings. We want to announce the love of God to all through a personal encounter within the community.